Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Obama: Raising Taxes Will Hurt the Economy

Well I guess he only listens to himself in front of a mirror before debates or speeches or something, because the current POTUS doesn't seem to either remember saying these words or, per usual, he was blowing smoke when he did. Meh. Whatever it takes to get elected (or to flip on something-read:LIE- at an airport just two hours earlier, but whatever)

With all these liberal media members from CNN, NBC, the New York Times and MSNBC, et al (like you need a example from them The Mess) fighting for something that they clearly do not understand and will only drive the economy down and deficit and unemployment up even farther to the point where your children will be clocking in just to pay off China, president Obama said some things a little to the contrary before he actually took off the sheep's clothing and commenced to do his best to ruin the American (and by extension, the world's) economy.

But don't worry, if re-elected, he'll miraculously do better next term.


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