Monday, October 17, 2011

Media Continue to Cover OWS Favorably, Continue to Deride Tea Party

As I've been saying for weeks, along with most right-wingers that can plainly see the willful hypocrisy, lies and hatred, yes hatred, of the mainstream, Obama-loving media towards the Tea Party. The same media that ignored, then derided the Tea Party for the last three years.

What Tea Party activist was arrested for violence or destruction of property? What Tea Party activist called for the end of the system that has made America the most free, most influential and one of the most non-oil producing, wealthiest countries known to man? What Tea Party activist has called for the deportation or death of the rich. When was the Tea Party ever supported by the American Communist and Nazi Parties? What OWS activist doesn't want to be well off, as much as they say they don't? Ask them privately, out of the shadow of their hippie friends and the glare of the cameras and see if they don't want more financial security for themselves and their family. Other, of course, from a result of their misguided and uninformed disillusions of Socialism. And just to note, what Tea Party activist left a single burger wrapper, pop bottle, home-made sign or any other piece of garbage behind for someone else to clean up?

In any event, the always hilarious and sometimes prophetic Ann Coulter (the scourge of the left, which makes me admire her even more) has another dead-on assessment of the love of the OWS crowd and documented and continued hatred of the Tea Party.

"The OWS protesters really are: wingless, bloodsucking and parasitic. This is the Flea Party, not the Tea Party."


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