Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Barney Frank to Not Seek Re-Election in 2012

Thank God for small miracles.

After being one of a small group of Democrats (including Chris Dodd, who also got out of the political game when things started to implicate him in the housing crisis) that ultimately destroyed the U.S. economy and precipitated the collapse of the world markets that was pretty much based on white guilt, giving low-income families and minorities who couldn't afford the mortgage in any other plane of existence, Barney Frank is calling it quits.

After being exonerated by his liberal allies in the MSM and Congress with their white-washing of history, Frank is now sailing into the sunset with his Congressional pension footed by the same people he helped to ruin...the American taxpayer and homeowner.

Great job Barn. You just race-carded your country into financial oblivion! Ah well. At least you got away with it. It must be nice knowing you have a fawning national media to allow you and your boyfriend to ruin people's lives and get away with it.

What sort of legacy will Fwank endure? Well, we know what it should be, an elitist with no remorse for the families he helped to destroy, an insolent whiner who always had the media's help in passing the buck, a "man" with a boyfriend who ran a gay brothel out of his house (of course, without Fwank's knowledge *wink-wink*) and let's not forget (with the non-reporting of the liberal media you probably have) about Fwank being an unindicted co-conspirator (along with John Murtha) in an adscam of the 1980s. In any event, Peter J. Wallison thinks Fwanks legacy will be mixed.

Go away Barney. Just go away.


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