Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Huffington Post Opines That "Act of Valor" Too Pro American

Jordan Zakarin of the Huffington Post is apparently not happy with hearing and seeing news reports of American soldiers coming home in boxes or mutilated in the line of duty. Nope. He seems to want to see it on film as well. Moreover, he doesn't want any films or portrayals of American servicemen (you know, like the one that killed Osama bin Laden-yes, it was the Navy SEALs, not Barack Obama that actually ended the world's number one terrorist)

Zakarin thinks the upcoming film Act of Valor, starring actual NAVY SEALs doesn't have enough dead American soldiers, or corrupt American officials like works of fiction such as Redacted, or Green Zone
. Nah. Instead of letting the American public see a sliver of what U.S. Navy SEALs actually do in the line of duty to defend sorry asses like Zakarin, he wants to champion films like Platoon and Apocalypse Now made by has-been lefty, America-hating directors and producers.

Do you think Zakarin actually cheered for the NAZIs in the Battle of the Bulge? Yeah. Me too. Unfortunately for Zakarin and his "William Ayres" ilk, this movie will most likely pack 'em in. And maybe the Navy will end up with some new recruits. wouldn't that


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