Friday, March 02, 2012

Limbaugh Makes Joke, Liberals Insulted, See No Hypocrisy

Conservative radio show host, Rush Limbaugh (still the number one radio show host on the planet, which irks jealous and untalented liberals the most) made up another non-controversy in an attempt to get him thrown off the air a la Don Imus (as of course, as BSNBC's Chris Tingle has already suggested) yet again by having Congress do it through the House of Representatives. Why? To legislate him off, that's how.

I wasn't even going to comment on this, but just to show the ever-present hypocrisy of the left on how they can wish Sarah Palin or her daughter to get raped or have Mike Malloy or Randi Rhodes say how much they wished certain Republicans would die horribly, Now Limbaugh has said something on the air that liberals defend each other on all the time. A joke. In fact it wasn't too long ago that so-called "comedienne" Wanda Sykes publicly stated she wished Rush Limbaugh himself would die of kidney failure. Calm down righties, it's a joke. No talent, D-list comedienne, Kathy Griffin said that Sen. Scott Brown's daughter's were prostitutes. Calm down righties, it's a joke.

"So, Ms. Fluke," (Sandra Fluke, who testified in favor of forcing her Catholic college to pay for her contraception) "and the rest of you Femi-Nazis, here's the deal: If we are going to pay for your contraceptives and, thus, pay for you to have sex, we want something for it. And I’ll tell you what it is. We want you to post the videos online so we can all watch."

The left was so outraged by this, that it immediately hit the NBC Nightly News and Brian "bower to the Chief" Williams said to his ever-shrinking audience, "some may find some of the comments in this next story offensive,” and “a lot of women are expressing their outrage." It appears correspondent Anne Thompson did (you can tell by her robotic stare and the favorite term used by the liberal media when they want you to hear their opinion, yet frame it as a public one, "some say,"or in this case, "what some call' a ‘war on women."

Thompson also relayed that,“Seventy-five members of Congress have sent a letter to House Speaker John Boehner expressing their outrage. The letter calls for Republican leaders to condemn Limbaugh’s remarks.” but of course, that's just the beginning. Why would any political group or body send a letter to the Speaker of the House of Representatives just have him say "now, now Rush. Don't do that again." It's not. It's to force legislation to get what the left has always wanted. To have Rush Limbaugh thrown permanently off the air. I guess they figure with the recent untimely death of Andrew Breitbart, they could go for a twofer and silence another prominent conservative voice.
When the left insults the right as they do on a constant basis, they tell the right to calm down and stop with the "phony outrage." They say "have a sense of humor, it's only a joke."

They can wish Sarah Palin or her daughter to get raped or have insane liberal radio hosts Mike Malloy or Randi Rhodes say how much they wished certain Republicans would die horribly. Now Limbaugh has said something on the air that liberals defend each other on all the time. A joke. In fact it wasn't too long ago that so-called "comedienne" Wanda Sykes publicly stated she wished Rush Limbaugh himself would die of kidney failure. Calm down righties, it's a joke. No talent, D-list comedienne, Kathy Griffin said that Sen. Scott Brown's daughter's were prostitutes. Calm down righties, it's a joke. Jon Stewart mocks the right every single night. Calm down righties, it's a joke.

But now not only has a conservative made a joke about a liberal (and not even an offensive one) it's one of the most prominent conservatives out there. Now they are the ones who are freaking out with their phony outrage and now Limbaugh must pay. And they're going to let everyone know it by literally making a federal case out of it.

It looks like someone doesn't have a sense of humor.


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