Friday, March 09, 2012

Welcome Back Joe

Well, this might just be a freebie for you lefties out there. Or maybe not. Samuel Wurzelbacher, aka "Joe the Plumber," who we haven't really seen since the 2008 general election when he asked a question that made then-candidate Barack Obama state that he wanted to "spread the wealth" (without giving some of his own campaign contributions to John McCain to make things more "fair") is running for Congress. In his interview on CNN with last night with Zoraida Sambolin, he pretty much exposed what the media should have asked Barack Obama when he ran for the Illinois State Senate. Sambolin asked things like "[What] qualifies you to run for Congress?" His answer was actually pretty suave and he didn't stumble like Sambolin probably thought he would, or hoped. Well, just watch and see how he handled a so-called journalist that was really only interested in his creating an alleged smear of minorities by Wurzelbacher. And since when is a news network supposed to champion any group?

Yep. He had about as much experience running for office as the current U.S. President when he was a so-called "community organizer." Actually more so, since Wurzelbacher actually had a real jobs as well.


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