Thursday, April 19, 2012

Left Wing Double Standard...Infinity

So last weekend rocker and second amendment advocate Ted Nugent said controversial comments regarding president Obama, stating if President Obama is reelected, "I will either be dead or in jail by this time next year."
Should he have said it?  No.  Is he a little nuts?  Well, yeah.  After all he is The Nuge. Should he have been "allowed" to say it.  Why not?  I'm a believer in the First Amendment, so say whatever you want, even if does piss someone off or tears their paper-thin sensibilities.  As long as their is no double-standard with who reports it, demanding an appology from the right and nothing from the left like the left-wing media is predictably now doing.

Let's start with the old news, but still factual account that the MSM simply and willfully refused to acknowledge and report the disgusting, misogynistic comments of Bill Maher on Sarah palin and Michelle Bachmann.  But now that Nugent, a conservative, has made seemingly disparaging and potentially dangerous comments regarding the Democrat president of the United States, NBC's Andrew Mitchell took the opportunity to make a case of it.
To his credit, George Stephanopoulos took the question to the round-table on ABC This Week. The Secret Service has already confirmed they will be knocking on Nugent's door.  That is, after they explain their own little alleged escapades.  So, they and only they will decide if any charges will be laid.  Want to bet they won't?  Eric Holder might all of a sudden discover there's a crime in there somewhere (and maybe there is) after ignoring the Black Panthers.  The Democrats will jump all over this in yet another and on-going sense of inflated elitism and moral compass pointed in the direction of do what we say, not what we do in an attempt to characterize the right as violent and a threat to not only the president, but to liberty.  Something they and their media acolytes know something about.


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