Friday, May 11, 2012

ABC Admits White House Wants Softball Interviews; Gets Them with Roberts

When the White House came calling to hand-pick an interviewer for a one-on-one with President Obama, according to CNN White House correspondent Frank Sesno, ABC's Robin Roberts was chosen due to the administration's wanting of a "conversation across the back of the fence," for more lefty media sycophants asking the president why he's so awesome, instead of someone that would actually ask them hard-nose questions that matter that Americans are interested in and want answered.  But apparently obama is only interested in having someone with Roberts "personal rapport...friendship [and] past interviews."
But most interesting, was the "perameters" of why Obama's media babysitters chose Roberts:
[She] is amiable on TV, and having her across from the president suggested a soft and easy conversation"
another reason is that "... she is a woman, a breast-cancer survivor and the co-host of a morning program that does not regularly feature battles among talking heads helped enhance this effect."

But most intriguing, but sadly not surprising coming from Obama, Roberts was hand-picked to be his softball  pitcher because, "Roberts is African American...she’s friendly turf.  I assume if Oprah was still Oprah, she would have landed this interview.” Because we all know how hard-hitting an interviewer Oprah Winfrey is.  The one that coined "The One" would certainly pry information out of Obama like he was being water-boarded, that's for damn sure.


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