Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Fellow Libs on NBC Take Hayes' "Soldiers Are Not Heroes" to Task.

A tip of the hat goes out to the Today show panel that unanimously condemned MSNBC host (of course) Chris Hayes for saying he had "trouble" saying that fallen U.S. troops are not heroes, on Memorial Day of all days.  He did mention his parents are heroes (I suppose for raising such a classy fellow) but not soldiers who fight for his right to lambaste them on national television.  In a segment normally reserved for condemning anything conservative or pro-military, the panel of Star Jones, Donny Deutsch and Nancy Snyderman and hosted by Matt Lauer did just that to the far-left host to their once-in-a-blue-moon credit.

Hayes has since apologized for the remarks in a quick attempt at damage control.  But the damage has been done as Hayes, if he hadn't quite clearly done so already, has sided himself with the left-wing, military-hating, anti-American, pseudo freedom-loving pinko he is.  Guaranteed, this will not be his last anti-military screed.


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