Thursday, May 24, 2012

Tingle is Off His Meds Again

According to the brain disease ravaged Chris Matthews, he actually thinks, moreover said on live national television, that and I quote, it's a fact Barack Obama is not a reckless spender. Oh yeah and that federal spending is rising at the slowest rate in sixty, count 'em sixty years.  Oh.  My.  Ribs.

With a theory that you would have to be a perennial Bush hater like Chris Tingle to have it make any sense whatsoever, Matthews actually said it with a straight face and I'm sure he may have actually convinced maybe...a third of his misinformed audience.   Which is to say about, meh, 15 people.  Good for you Tingle.  You keep on swingin'.

UPDATE:  As expected, Sgt. Ed Schultz, BSNBC's resident go-to ignoramus who can always be counted upon to make things soooooo easy for the right to totally decimate any laughable argument the clowns at The Mess futilely put forth, as well as the so-called "rhodes scholar" and reigning queen of arrogance Rachel Maddow jumped on board with Matthews endorsement of the bogus Market Watch report that Obama has the lowest federal spending of the last five presidents.  White House Press Secretary Jay Carney also predictably used the Rex Nutting piece to desperately jump on any flotation device from the Titanic-like spending of the president.  Anne Coulter, a favourite target of the left, because she actually knows what she's talking about-like all the intelligencia of the right-also put things in perspective.

Nice try Messies, but once again there's no such thing as fake but accurate.


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