Thursday, May 03, 2012

The Obama Afghanistan Speech

Please Note:  While editing this post, this new Blogger format has really screwed up the way I used to do things.  In short, sorry about the crappy blocks around the text.  I tried and tried, but as it sometimes happens, I can't get rid of them or fix the overall aesthetics problem.

While I was re-reading the transcript of President Obama's May 1 Afghanistan speech, I noticed a few things I would like to share and doubt many in the MSM (at least in the correct context) will shine a negative light on.

There was some typical narcissistic tones emanating from the president that while his followers will no doubt find charming and confident, it does play to the fact that Barack Obama never passes on a chance to inflate his own ego or play loose with the facts.  This has been documented time and time again, and not just by conservatives or right-wingers, but by liberal pundits and journalists that perhaps have finally grown weary of the president's Hollywood-esque showmanship and rhetoric without the actual facts and/or numbers to back them up.  The kind of rhetoric that not only Democrat politicians support and defend, which is to be expected, but from frothing, starry-eyed Hollywood celebrities who make it even more ironic for them to be idolizing him.  But it's the following highlighted quotes that these celebrities, Dems and left-wing media darlings run with that confuse and misinform America and the world.  They've already sold a alternative version of history to the American voter about the "saved' economy, the "needed" auto bailouts, the "popular" health-care law and the role of the Republicans in the financial meltdown...and only that the Republicans had a role.

Obama, of course doesn't mention these fallacies, but it's just the type of ethos in this speech that sold those tainted goods to the American taxpayer and voter in the first place.

Good evening from Bagram Air Base. This outpost is more than seven thousand miles from home, but for over a decade it has been close to our hearts. Because here, in Afghanistan, more than half a million of our sons and daughters have sacrificed to protect our country.

Today, I signed an historic agreement between the United States and Afghanistan that defines a new kind of relationship between our countries – a future in which Afghans are responsible for the security of their nation, and we build an equal partnership between two sovereign states; a future in which the war ends, and a new chapter begins.

*This agreement was originally made/confirmed with the Bush administration when Secretary of State Condolezza Rice visited Afghanistan in 2007.

Tonight, I’d like to speak to you about this transition. But first, let us remember why we came here. It was here, in Afghanistan, where Osama bin Laden established a safe-haven for his terrorist organization. It was here, in Afghanistan, where al Qaeda brought new recruits, trained them, and plotted acts of terror. It was here, from within these borders, that al Qaeda launched the attacks that killednearly 3,000 innocent men, women and children.
And so, ten years ago, the United States and our allies went to war to make sure that al Qaeda could never again use this country to launch attacks against us. Despite initial success...

*A success that Obama (as a Illinois State senator) and the Democrats vehemently denied for years until documentation and Afghan testimony gave them no choice but to publicly admit the obvious-not to admit they were wrong, but just make them admit the obvious.

... for a number of reasons, this war has taken longer than most anticipated. In 2002, bin Laden and his lieutenants escaped across the border and established safe-havens in Pakistan. America spent nearly eight years fighting a different war in Iraq. And al Qaeda’s extremist allies within the Taliban have waged a brutal insurgency.
But over the last three years, the tide has turned. We broke the Taliban’s momentum.

*The Taliban has been routed in Afghanistan since at least 2004, but Obama  says "the last three years" because, conveniently that's how long he's been president.

We’ve built strong Afghan Security Forces. We devastated al Qaeda’s leadership, taking out over 20 of their top 30 leaders.

Again accomplished mostly during the Bush administration.  In fact, 18 of those leaders disposed of during Bush's tenure.

And one year ago, from a base here in Afghanistan, our troops launched the operation that killed Osama bin Laden. The goal that I set – to defeat al Qaeda, and deny it a chance to rebuild – is within reach.

*Really?  Does this one really need an explanation?  Any easy research will find-and backed up by former administration officials in both the Clinton and Bush administrations-that the apparatus to retrieve information and find bin Laden was under the intelligence leadership of those two presidents, As well as Obama's in the last three years, but to say he set that goal is not only willfully misleading, but extremely arrogant.  Clearly a set-up to wrangle himself up some street-cred on the War on Terror and to make the false argument that he was the man that got bin Laden.  Any president would have made that no-brainer call-any president.

Still, there will be difficult days ahead. The enormous sacrifices of our men and women are not over. But tonight, I’d like to tell you how we will complete our mission and end the war in Afghanistan.

*I believe this is the first time he has mentioned the word "our," instead of "I," "me," or "mine"  since the beginning of his presidency.  Just a personal observation.

First, we have begun a transition to Afghan responsibility for security. Already, nearly half the Afghan people live in places where Afghan Security Forces are moving into the lead. This month, at a NATO Summit in Chicago, our coalition will set a goal for Afghan forces to be in the lead for combat operations across the country next year. International troops will continue to train, advise and assist the Afghans, and fight alongside them when needed. But we will shift into a support role as Afghans step forward.
As we do, our troops will be coming home. Last year, we removed 10,000 U.S. troops from Afghanistan. Another 23,000 will leave by the end of the summer. After that, reductions will continue at a steady pace, with more of our troops coming home. And as our coalition agreed, by the end of 2014 the Afghans will be fully responsible for the security of their country.

*This is a simple copy of the Bush troop withdrawal agreement he signed with Iraq.  Is he again copying something Bush did (and the Democrats and MSM collectively shat on) only to have his party and media call brilliant and not at all bombastic?

Second, we are training Afghan Security Forces to get the job done. Those forces have surged, and will peak at 352,000 this year. The Afghans will sustain that level for three years, and then reduce the size of their military. And in Chicago, we will endorse a proposal to support a strong and sustainable long-term Afghan force.

Again, an Iraq-tested and successful Bush plan.

Third, we are building an enduring partnership. The agreement we* signed today sends a clear message to the Afghan people: as you stand up**, you will not stand alone. It establishes the basis of our cooperation over the next decade, including shared commitments to combat terrorism and strengthen democratic institutions. It supports Afghan efforts to advance development and dignity for their people. And it includes Afghan commitments to transparency and accountability, and to protect the human rights of all Afghans – men and women, boys and girls.

*There's that "we" again.  Maybe he's turning over a new...nah!
**A total stolen (with no accreditation) Bushism.

Within this framework, we will work with the Afghans to determine what support they need to accomplish two narrow security missions beyond 2014: counter-terrorism and continued training. But we will not build permanent bases in this country, nor will we be patrolling its cities and mountains. That will be the job of the Afghan people.

*And yet another Bush explanation as to why Iraq was not to be controlled by the U.S.

Fourth, we are pursuing a negotiated peace. In coordination with the Afghan government, my Administration has been in direct discussions with the Taliban. We have made it clear that they can be a part of this future if they break with al Qaeda, renounce violence, and abide by Afghan laws. Many members of the Taliban – from foot soldiers to leaders – have indicated an interest in reconciliation. A path to peace is now set before them. Those who refuse to walk it will face strong Afghan Security Forces, backed by the United States and our allies.

Fifth, we are building a global consensus to support peace and stability in South Asia. In Chicago, the international community will express support for this plan, and for Afghanistan’s future. I have made it clear to Afghanistan’s neighbor – Pakistan – that it can and should be an equal partner in this process in a way that respects Pakistan’s sovereignty, interests, and democratic institutions. In pursuit of a durable peace.

*Nothin' for nothin', but what's up with his mentioning of Chicago likes it's Washington Jr?  I don't remember Bush mentioning Crawford, Texas like it was a political hub.  Not even Clinton metioned Hope or Arkansas so much.  Just sayin'.

America has no designs beyond an end to al Qaeda safe-havens, and respect for Afghan sovereignty.
As we move forward, some people will ask why we need a firm timeline. The answer is clear: our goal is not to build a country in America’s image, or to eradicate every vestige of the Taliban. These objectives would require many more years, many more dollars, and many more American lives. Our goal is to destroy al Qaeda, and we are on a path to do exactly that. Afghans want to fully assert their sovereignty and build a lasting peace. That requires a clear timeline to wind down the war.
 Others will ask why we don’t leave immediately. That answer is also clear: we must give Afghanistan the opportunity to stabilize. Otherwise, our gains could be lost, and al Qaeda could establish itself once more. And as Commander-in-Chief, I refuse to let that happen.

I recognize that many Americans are tired of war. As President, nothing is more wrenching than signing a letter to a family of the fallen, or looking in the eyes of a child who will grow up without a mother or father. I will not keep Americans in harm’s way a single day longer than is absolutely required for our national security.

*Bush too, said this at the onset of the Iraq War, but was called Hitler  and a war criminal anyways (unlike Obama who armed and aided Libyan rebels that killed civilians-during a time when he claimed to have "gotten Gaddafi" and none of the "Impeach Bush" hippie crowd has said anything about Obama's role in these unfortunate deaths.  Even Code Pink has been predictably silent.

But we must finish the job we started in Afghanistan, and end this war responsibly.
My fellow Americans, we have traveled through more than a decade under the dark cloud of war. Yet here, in the pre-dawn darkness of Afghanistan, we can see the light of a new day on the horizon. The Iraq War is over. The number of our troops in harm’s way has been cut in half, and more will be coming home soon. We have a clear path to fulfill our mission in Afghanistan, while delivering justice to al Qaeda.

*Again, I'm surprised he didn't say "the last administration," or "what the last guy started," or "what I inherited."

This future is only within reach because of our men and women in uniform. Time and again, they have answered the call to serve in distant and dangerous places. In an age when so many institutions have come up short, these Americans stood tall. They met their responsibilities to one another, and the flag they serve under. I just met with some of them, and told them that as Commander-in-Chief, I could not be prouder. In their faces, we see what is best in ourselves and our country.
Our soldiers, sailors, airmen, Marines, coast guardsmen and civilians in Afghanistan have done their duty. Now, we must summon that same sense of common purpose. We must give our veterans and military families the support they deserve, and the opportunities they have earned. And we must redouble our efforts to build a nation worthy of their sacrifice.

*What, no mention of Corpsmen?

As we emerge from a decade of conflict abroad and economic crisis at home, it is time to renew America. An America where our children live free from fear, and have the skills to claim their dreams. A united America of grit and resilience, where sunlight glistens off soaring new towers in downtown Manhattan, and we build our future as one people, as one nation.

Here, in Afghanistan, Americans answered the call to defend their fellow citizens and uphold human dignity. Today, we recall the fallen, and those who suffer wounds seen and unseen. But through dark days we have drawn strength from their example, and the ideals that have guided our nation and lit the world: a belief that all people are created equal, and deserve the freedom to determine their destiny.
That is the light that guides us still*. This time of war began in Afghanistan, and this is where it will end. With faith in each other and our eyes fixed on the future, let us finish the work at hand, and forge a just and lasting peace. May God bless our troops. And may God bless the United States of America.**

*Really, a Reagan line?
**Which god would that be? 

Listen, I don't mean to demonize the president or his speech when he did give credit to the members of America's Armed Forces, as well as those of her allies.  Even that last "which god" crack was just that.  But for a guy who was against the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq (and don't give me that "good war/bad war" crap) who voted "present' on every major vote concerning the War on Terror as a senator, who was against the surge that led to victory (and then never admitting he was wrong about it) to claim credit on things that he either had hardly anything to do with or nothing at all-or worse, things he fought tooth and nail against is more than political posturing and "what every politician does."  It's something that a "leader" that's not a leader does.  Someone who doesn't really beileve in what they're saying.  He may sound good (as every one of his followers-or is that believers, since he is their messiah-constantly say s he does; even with the studdering and stammering) but anyone can with good writers, and yes, that includes W.  Of course Ronald Reagan wrote most of his own speeches, but that's another story of another time about another, better man.

But for all his belittling George W. about what he "inherited" from him, Obama's sure quick to not only jump on the same policy wagon (war & bail-outs to name but two) but to actually take a page out of Joe Biden's book and plagiarize, if not parts, then ideas of Bush's speeches?  Sad.

Like most of President Obama's speeches, there's nothing new here, especially the so-called information or revelations therein.  Same ol', same ol from Barack Obama, especially disappointment.


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