Thursday, November 09, 2006

As Much As It Looks Like It...

It may not be as bad as some of us think.

With the Democrats successfully taking back control of the House AND Senate (no, it's not just a really bad dream)although it may not seem like it, it may not be as bad as it looks. (Although Barney Frank is running financial services if you can believe that; of course you can, their Democrats) A lot of these young, new Democrats are conservative democrats, remember. Some might even call them "Reagan Democrats", if, indeed there is such a thing. This alone does not guarentee that Nancy Pelosi will have the votes she needs to become Speaker of the House. President Bush was right when he said "Some people in Washington are already measuring the drapes." And although there some designers being called in to "retrofit" offices for the new occupants, Ms. Pelosi is still counting her chickens, me thinks.

Some of these new Representatives are, not maybe, but are a little too right of center to blindly follow the party line and give their vote away to someone even they see as someone who is a little too extreme for their liking. Some of these new members may include: SENATE-Heath Shuler(NC), Joe Donnely(IN), Brad Ellsworth(IN), Charlie Wilson(OH), Chris Carney(PA), Jason Altmire(PA),
HOUSE: Jim Oberstar, Collin Peterson, Ike Skelton, and along with the list just mentioned in both Senate and House, several pro-life Democrats will chair House sub-committees.

I really do believe, as does any logical thinking conservative, that the vote results show that people didn't throw out or give up on conservative ideals, they threw out the people that failed to embody and protect those ideals. Trust me, in two years the Democrats lose 25 percent of what they gained on the 7th of November. However, if these new "conservative democrats" indeed revive the Democratic Party to the days of old, the Senate and House may be under siege for a while.

The new blood of the Democratic Party may lead the way with tales of their heroes and their success. When leaders like Truman and Roosevelt stood up to aggression (after some convincing on the downside of isolationism) and even Kennedy (who by the way didn't pass one bill as President-did you know that? Not one.) stood up to the Soviets, eventually. Then again, the Dems to have a tendency to forget about all the learnings of history, don't they?

There is no doubt that the name democrat has been unmercifully tarnished by San Francisco values. Democrats have been labeled (and most times rightfully so) as moonbats, kool-aiders, wing-nuts, kooks and other funny and accurate monikers. It's these people like Pelosi, Biden, Kennedy, Boxer, Dean, Kerry, Clinton, etc. that, much like fundamentalist Islamics, have kidnapped their doctrine and made it there own; with unwavering hypocrisy leading the way. Now we will see full-tilt where this hypocrisy will lead. Now they have to be accountable.

Two years isn't long. THEY will be in judgment soon.


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