Thursday, April 05, 2007

The Whole Alberto Gonzales Thing

Since this may be one of my last posts for a long while, due to some financial difficulties, my internet will be cut off soon; I'll try and make this brief.

I was going to write about the whole Alberto Gonzales thing and how President Bush fired eight U.S. Attorneys, how Clinton fired 93, how Reagan did it, the White House emails, blah, blah, blah.

But then I thought, you know this is really (and I mean really) much ado about nothing. It's the usual Democrat political witch-hunt. It started with the B.S. about how Bush stole the 2000 election, he "lied" about Hussein's WMD program (when absolutely everybody knew he had them) "blood for oil", the "illegal" war (and exactly how is that when Congrss voted for it, no matter what the evidence, they VOTED for it) Not to mention that now I have to deal with Tokyo Rosie and her conspiracy crap. I'm just completely tired of it all.

The bottom line is, the U.S. Attorneys SERVE AT THE PLEASURE OF THE PRESIDENT. Reagan knew it, Bush (41) knew it and Clinton knew it. It doesn't matter one little bit who knew what and when. That's it. 'Nuff said.

You may comment on this if you wish. I won't be replying. I've had enough of this hatred, always present double-standards and complete hypocrisy of the left (at least the far-left) This thing is just stupid.

Plus, this is pretty good. I'm posting it because I'm tired, I have school suff to do (two weeks from graduation) and I'm completely lazy today.

Bush Goes 'Political,' Fires Eight Attorneys
Aargh! Gasp! Swoon! President Bush has fired eight of 93 official U.S. Attorneys scattered across the nation. Democrat presidential wannabes had to be revived by mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.

The junior senator from New York – Hillary Clinton -- skewered Bush for “politicization of our prosecutorial system.” Look who’s talking.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid tut-tuted. The practice is a time-honored responsibility of all presidents since George Washington.

The first President Bush, and President Clinton, fired all 93 U.S. attorneys simultaneously after taking office.

Nevertheless, Democrat firebrands now in control -- after a dozen years fighting Newt Gingrich’s “Contract With America” -- shout “scandal, purge, investigation and indictment.”

U.S. attorneys are appointed by the president upon recommendation of elected officials of the states affected. Yes, usually, of the president’s party. Wonders never cease.

President Bush II retained some Clinton attorneys “to maintain continuity” as he struggled to cope with President Clinton’s recession.

Sen. Clinton skates on thin ice by professing indignation of Bush’s dismissal of eight attorneys. She and Bill’s scandals are yet to be resolved despite his indictment for lying under oath about “that woman.”

It is Hillary’s legal transgressions that will be resurrected if star-struck liberals succeed in nominating her for the presidency.

Susan McDougal -- a key figure in the Clintons’ Whitewater scandals -- kept her mouth shut and went to prison. In return, President Clinton pardoned her in the final days of his office.

Hillary, attorney with the Rose Law Firm, escaped prosecution for the parallel Castle Grande Real Estate fraud. Incriminating Rose records -- subpoenaed by Congress -- were said by Mrs. Clinton under oath to have been “lost.”

Strangely, or maybe not, the records were found two years later in her private “reading room” by a tidy White House maid. Oops! So what?

One can imagine the conniptions of New York Times if the lying, memory-challenged First Lady had been Laura Bush.

The Democrat brouhaha over the firing of eight U.S. Attorneys – employees of the White House Justice Department -- tweaks the record of Clinton’s Associate Attorney General Webster Hubbell.

At that time, Attorney General Janet Reno directed Hubbell to fire all 93 U.S. Attorneys in March of 1993 within ten days. She was busy masterminding the Branch Davidian fiasco.

Within Hubbell’s gun sights was U.S. Attorney Jay Stephens at Chicago. He was about to charge Rep. Dan Rostenkowski, chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, with mail fraud. Rostenkowski was major domo of Clinton’s huge tax hike.

Nevertheless, Rostenkowski was sent to jail, but later pardoned by Clinton.

Also fingered in the Clinton purge was the U.S. Attorney at Little Rock, Arkansas. He was replaced with Clinton crony Paula Casey. She pigeon-holed evidence of Whitewater fraud.

President Clinton defended his purge as being normal. “All those people are routinely replaced, and I have not done anything differently.”

It is remarkable how easily a boyish-smile can entrance half-wits.

The elder President Bush and President Clinton fired all 93 U.S. attorneys very soon after taking office. Each appointed a new Justice Department team, as was their right.

However, Presidents Carter and Reagan -- preceding Clinton -- retained holdovers, as did Bush-2 following.

The Democrat leadership of Congress has moved into shaky power by a razor-thin plurality. Spending and anti-war bills can’t garner enough votes to over ride a veto.

Hidden complaint by Reid, Pelosi et al is that Bush’s Justice Department does not accept accusations by liberal Democrats. They posit voter fraud in Florida, Washington state and New Mexico.

A rational, old-fashion Democrat would be knocking Bush for not firing all inherited U.S. attorneys and starting over.

In their childish zeal to fault Dubya, Democrats will try to jump across a political chasm in two leaps -- if they can drag along the president.

My Grandma Lindsey would call it: “Cutting off your nose to spite your face.”

By Lindsey Williams, columnist for Sun Coast Media Group newspapers


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