Monday, May 07, 2007

Just Another Reminder

In case you've chosen to forget, or simply need a friendly reminder, here's more evidence of Democrat hypocrisy, cowardice and political maneuvering.


Tell those who want us to stay that you want to leave.

By the way, I don't seem to recall Tenet, in either the 60 Minutes interview or on O'Reilly, that Bush knew about "faulty" or "deceptive" intelligence.
Also, about Tenet "running into" Richard Perle in the White House who allegedly told Tenet that Iraq must be involved in 9/11 (I'm paraphrasing) on Sept. 12, it turns out Perle was in France that day. When questioned on this inconsistency, Tenet admitted he "may have been off by a couple of days." He was pretty damn sure on the CBS interview though, wasn't he?

Once again, thanks to Amy Proctor


Anonymous Anonymous said...

PLEASE use the videos! I'm glad to see someone uses them. That's why they're embeddable. Thanks!

9:39 pm  

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