Friday, June 22, 2007

Do They Feel Threatened by a Market-Driven Product?

Check this out. It appears Hillary is practicing her role as a socialist dictator along with Baba Boxer. You know Blinky-blinky Pelosi will try to rush through any legislation to help her liberal cronies any way she can. The most ethical Congress in history? Uh-huh. They just can't seem to handle the fact that it's the people that drive the ratings for talk-radio. Again, this is why Air America went bankrupt, no one wants to hear their liberal drivel and far-left hatred. Sean Hannity also comments on it. I can't believe Trent Lott's recent comments on the topic. Then again, he lost me with his "America could have avoided all these problems" comment at Strom Thurman's birthday celebration back in 2002. Although his comments were unacceptable, they just may have been made that much more tolerable when Al Gore, the king of hypocrisy, opened his mouth about it.

Still, do liberals have a problem with liberal-dominated television and movies? They either fail to see or downright deny that more people a) watch t.v. and movies more than listen to the radio and b) they are more influential on popular culture. It appears the evil, right-wing FOX News is the only network that even comes close to being balanced in their commentary-see Hannity & Colmes, one conservative, one liberal. CNN did have that until they decided to axe "Crossfire". I mean, do they have to run everything? They already have under their thumb, television, Hollywood, most colleges and universities, newspapers and magazines. What else do they want to own and still lose the hearts and minds of America? What will it take to for it to sink in that most people don't want to hear their crap?

There's also this. It doesn't tell us anything new. Of course talk-radio is dominated by conservatives. That's because they do it right (pardon the pun) I tell you, the sky will fall before liberals admit to the entertainment and news genres being dominated by "we'll force it down your throat" liberal views. I don't remember the big fuss in the 80s and 90s when all was well in the land of Liberalville. Throw in a little competition and let the free-market decide, and all of a sudden changes must be made.

UPDATE: The denials begin
So does the sticking to the story
...Although, three years ago IS a long way from "the other day".
See the libs whine for yourself about all this


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