Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Could Anybody Have Said It Better?

Dennis Miller is quickly becoming a favourite of mine. If you haven't heard his radio show on Westwood One, you should, he's very good. He's not a typical conservative (he's a self-described "librtarian") that liberals love to hate and berate without realy knowing where he's coming from. He's not a hawk by any means, although he does support the War on Terror. He's also quite elequent in his rants (as he himself would call them) and is down on Bush when necessary. I love his baseball analogy on the war. A few weeks back, a caller asked him the typical liberal question to conservatives about the war and what is victory or when do we think we should leave. Miller responded by saying that you can't look at this like a football or hockey game where there is a predetermined time limit. You have to look at it like a baseball game, it'll be over when we win. Beautiful.

Anyways, take a look at what he had to say about Senator Harry Reid. It's funny because it's true.


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