Tuesday, May 15, 2007

The Clinton Chronicles

Just to be clear, I don't put much stock in this; well not most of it and I know it's really old news (although I bet a lot of people have never even seen it) but I figure if Tokyo Rosie and the Loose Change idiots can permeate the globe with their inane conspiracy crap (there are a lot of similarities in the way it's presented, by the way) why can't I? Eye for an eye, right? Hey, I'm just "asking questions." But it goes to show that anyone can post videos accusing someone of something they didn't do using so-called "experts", cherry-picked information, official-sounding narration and absolute insane propaganda. Yes, I realize I'm defending Clinton, but crap is crap. Like I said, I don't really believe MOST of it. But then again, knowing the Clintons' record of dishonesty and corruption, I wouldn't be surprised.


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