Friday, May 11, 2007

Ignored by the MSM...Of Course

O.k. here's yet even more proof that Saddam Hussein had WMDs and that they were moved to Syria and hidden there-after the 1990s. Jon Stewart interviews Hussein's former #2 man in the Iraqi Airforce, Gen. Georges Sada. I would think that would make him privy to all sorts of valuable inside information and intel. So naturally the MSM is not interested in what he has to say.

Do you think if he had stated that Hussein never had WMDs that his words would be all over the front page of the New York Times, Washington Times, L.A. Times, et all. You better believe it. When are the MSM and the anti-war activists including just about every celiberal in Hollyweird going to wake up, support their own damn country, president and troops and just apologize. I hope what he says that all of America will learn the truth of Hussein's intentions and lies will come to fruition. But, of course it won't, because that means that all the members of the MSM, Hollywood, the Democrats and everybody else who has made up anything and everything to undermine the president, troops and the country will simply cover their behinds with more lies, misinformation and if all else fails, just do what the MSM and their minions always do when proved wrong-just act like it never happened. Either that or the nay-sayers will simply call him a Bush shill, lying ally, buddy, or whatever. Just wait, it'll happen, if this guy gets any creedence or any attention from the MSM at all.

Go ahead, call this man a liar, a Republican shill, or whatever else you need to make yourself feel riotous and help you sleep at night. Man, I'm getting sick and tired of proving something that the world already knew.

Again ,thanks to Amy Proctor. Man, she's invaluable, isn't she?

UPDATE: General Sada was just on the Larry Elder radio show today to re-affirm his statements he made on the Daily Show, plus some other interesting opinions, like the same ones made by Joe Biden concerning partitioning Iraq into three different provinces like it was pre-1920.


Blogger Levi said...

I think that Nancy Grace on CNN Headline news will cover the case!

Here is the email address:

10:46 pm  
Blogger Northern Exposer said...

I don't put much stake in Grace's journalistic investigative prowess. The reasons being:
1) She most definately and quite clearly (like most media types) convicted the three innocent students in the Duke non-rape case before (again) there was any sort of trial or even any real evidence brought forth.
2) She, most probably, had an indirect affect in a mother committing suicide over the disappearence of her infant son.
3) She works for CNN

11:29 pm  

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