Saturday, June 30, 2007

Is Hillary Guilty?

Reports are this could be the biggest election finance scandal in history. It appears that the criminal Clinton legacy lives on. The junior senator from New York may have her presidential hopes damaged if only the MSM would cover it. Who knows, she might end up just like her husband and come out of this even more popular...well, popular. This is a year old, folks. Where is the Gestapo on this...OOPS, I mean the liberal media?

Don't hold your breath, if Sandy Berger got away with it (Scooter who?) then Hillary is sure to
be made a hero of this.

Video proof:

Google Video has this

Here's more to sink your teeth into here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here & here.

Got history?
History's largest election fraud. History, but not apparently news worthy.

Check out the hits

Pus, was this ever addressed? Apparently not, she's still in the race. Then again, like I said, this will probably make her even more popular. Hmm, it looks like she's got more in common with The Sopranos than just a video.


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