Saturday, March 15, 2008

Obama is Standing in it Now

So with all the racist, anti-Semetic, America-hating diatribe seething from Barack Obama's pastor, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, you know, Mr. "God-damn America", it's no wonder Obama doesn't want to wear an American flag pin on his lapel. This "man of the cloth" has had the presidential hopeful indoctrinated for the last 20 or so years. This is not going to score points for Obama with any religious or faith-based crowd, be they Democrat, Republican, conservative, liberal, right or left. Any true Christian is probably not going to turn a blind eye to Rev. Wright's hateful remarks about their country, religious allies, or saviour.

At first, Obama claims he "never heard" Wright say bad things that he is now accused of (contrary to video and quoted evidence) but however, this says different. Regardless of this, he still has the man as an "advisor". Of course it goes without saying, the MSM along with the cable networks such as (as unbelievable as it sounds, especially lately) the Clinton News Network will make this much ado about nothing, as they usually do when they don't (or won't) find anything condemning a liberal to be considered"newsworthy".
Much like his affiliation with Louis Farrakhan, Obama simply refuses to disassociate himself with these men of vitrolic statements and hate-filled, ignorant, history-twisting diatribes.

For his part, Obama released this statement as a "defense" of sorts. Via the Huffington Post, of course.
Once again, the media and their war-cry of racism is tossed out whenever someone of color is exposed or at the very least, to be found in disagreement with.


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