Monday, March 24, 2008

Please Release Me

Just a quick update. It seems that I (along with at least Michael Medved) aren't the only ones that are wondering when the ABC 2006 miniseries, Path to 9/11 is going to be released on DVD (along with reasons why it has taken so long to get'er done)
Of course, as I've mentioned before, ABC being in cahoots with the Clinton campaign wouldn't have anything to do with it, would they?

At any rate, it's good to know Medved and I aren't the only ones interested.

Their lame reason? Citing the costs involved in marketing a DVD, [Disney VP Zenia] Mucha said the potential return wasn’t worth the investment, “given the performance of the miniseries.”

Given the fact that Hollywood has released numerous anti-war films that repeatedly *ahem* bomb at the box-office, that doesn't stop the elites of Tinseltown (along with their Liberal producers & distributors-[Disney chairman Robert] Iger has donated money to Mrs. Clinton’s Senate campaigns) from releasing them anyways. Obviously, losing money (and that of their shareholders) is a distant second to getting their liberal, anti-Republican, anti-America, anti-Bush views out there.

Their tactics are a tad fascist as well. Think back to 2005 when you probably didn't know this happened.

Dirty tricks


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