Saturday, March 22, 2008

Chris Wallace May be Right, But...

I've been saying for months now how FOX News is disappointing me a little more each week. Never mind the the whole Anna Nicole Smith debacle, or for some reason them thinking that the latest Brittany Spears or Paris Hilton (who?) sighting is news; or that their right-wing leanings are becoming more and more evident that even the most uneducated, uninformed lefty can pick up on it (even though, as I've mentioned before, how much more bias than CBS, ABC, NBC, Time, Newsweek, etc. can they be?)
But now even one of their own, Chris Wallace is calling them on it, even though I think that Obama not really explaining his loyalty to a bigot clearly enough is still relevant news, FOX can do itself a favor by not buying into too much sensationalism.

Wallace is right, though - in the sense that Obama is such an empty suit and posing hypocrite that he is not worth more time than it takes to point it out.

I guess Obama feels at ease with Wallace (as long as he's defending him, even for the time being) since he felt obligated to have someone post this at his campaign blog:

We appreciate Chris Wallace for doing his job as a tough but fair journalist on a network that has been deeply irresponsible over the last week in its unrelenting and sensationalist coverage of Sen. Obama.

Sen. Obama gave the speech he did on Tuesday because he believes that Americans are ready for a thoughtful, mature discussion about race, and are hungry to move past media-generated controversies that distract from the struggles they face in their everyday lives.

If Fox News wants to play clips of the same offensive sound bites every day from now until November, that's their right, but that type of coverage does a disservice to their viewers and to a nation that is facing serious challenges that merit thoughtful and honest reporting.

Obama is clearly a well-spoken Marxist with good diction and no accomplishments and is willing to line up with anyone that will help this story go away. That's not to say FOX is innocent in this, but when is the same vigorous condemnation going to fall the rest of the MSM's way?

Plus, Obama still has to defend this.
He'll be busy for a while.
Well, the Clintons wanted to brand this guy the "black candidate", now he's done it for them.


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