Sunday, March 16, 2008

Quick Damage Control

Well, well. So Senator Barack Obama decided to nip this whole Jeremiah Wright stuff in the bud, and rightfully so. Is it because it is so damning to have a race-bating, America-hating, "man of God" as your pastor? Or is it because he can't get away with it any longer?
Either way, he still hasn't explained why (oh, he tries in this excerpt from Anderson Cooper 360 on CNN) about the fact that he proudly held this man up as his pastor for the past 20 years and didn't know his views on race, economics, civil rights and America as a whole? C'Mon.

Well, the bottom line is he did "excuse" Wright from the position of Obama's "personal" pastor, like that means anything, since Wright is on his way out due to retirement anyway. So does Obama simply condemning Wright's racist, bigoted, ignorance make it all o.k? Will the media forgive and forget? You bet. Especially forget.
I mean, Obama not priveleged?

Furthermore, like this blog, Miracles Daily says (thanks Conservative Beach Girl) it's not Obama's pastor, or what he says that reallt matters; it's Obama's theology that should give you reason to not only pause, but to run as far as humanly possible from this man. Obama is not a Christian, but a Marxist posing as one.

Check out the denial in body language that Obama "didn't know" about his pastor's views.

Have you ever and I mean ever seen Olberloon act with more decorum and respect for his guest? No? Me neither. I guess it takes a Marxist like Obama to keep Olby in awe of empty suits and non-existent platforms.


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