Monday, June 16, 2008

The Left Should Learn From Russert

Tim Russert was probably the best middle-of-the-road journalist out there. with his untimely passing, the MSM will be hard pressed (and likely won't even try) to find a more fair interviewer and commentator.
He mostly asked his thoughtful and provacative questions from the center. He asked public officials what the supporters of both the right and left sides of the spectrum wanted to know. I doubt, in today's media atmosphere, that there will be a more fair and intelligent commentator.

He really did ask tough, but fair questions to all parties and personalities alike. That said, my sincere condolences to Russert's family in this time of great loss. They can take comfort in the fact that he will be missed by both the left and the right. Hopefully NBC won't tarnish his image in their selection of a replacement.

He will be missed by any and all of those who wish to know what a good, honest journalist should aspire to be.


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