Sunday, June 08, 2008

Ug, I Think I'm Going to Be Sick

If you have been paying attention to this blog for any reasonable amount of time, or more specifically my other blog, "Entertainment Breakdown", you may have noticed I'm a HUGE STAR WARS geek and proud of it.
But, upon reading this column by Brent Baker on on George Lucas and his revelation (although not a surprising one, coming friend a close, personal friend of ultra-liberal director, Steven Speilberg) it's official, even the most brightest, most talented people on the planet are ignorant and self-involved.

Yeah, he talks of peace and "dreams and hope" (like every Lib, except they have no idea how peace was procured for the last 50 years) like that empty, broken record of the elites.

This really disapoints me. I know Lucas was a lib, but he usually never shows (or at least talks about) his left-wing values.
Heck, I even used dialogue from a couple of SW movies in a past post to demonstrate how Lucas might be a closet conservative, being how the Jedi mindset is.

Oh, George. How you disapoint me. Mind you, he is the creator of STAR WARS, so he may be able to be forgiven for a little naivete once in a while. I mean, it's not like he's Baghdad Rosie or Susan Surandon, you know, real loonies.


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