Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Islamists Are the Sith

I know this comparison, in all probability, has been made before, but think about it, if our world today existed in that galaxy far, far away Islamist extremists would be the Sith.


Look at it this way. Anakin Skywalker is represented in our society by the young, university-going youth of today who are being indoctrinated by the leftist, terror-supporting apologists who are most of today's university and college professors (with tenure, good luck in trying to get rid of them) that who are in turn represented by Supreme Chancellor/Emperor Palpatine. The Jedi, on the other hand are represented by the Armed Forces of the United States and Canada (along with all the conservative authors and radio show hosts that are trying to wake everyone else up) henceforth will collectively be called, "America".

Just watch Episode III: Revenge of the Sith and simply replace the word "Sith" with the word "Islamist" and the word "Jedi" with "America" and you'll see what I mean.

For example:

"[Usama bin Laden] will run and hide as he always does. He is a coward." -Mace Windu

"The oppression of the [Islam] will never return!" -Mace Windu

Of course, in their infinite delusion and twisted logic, the Islamists would say,
"Once more [Islam] will rule the [world] and we shall have...peace." -Emperor Palpatine

You could say that President Bush and any president that has the moral fortitude to follow through with the War on Terror may say,
"Only a [Muslim extremist] deals in absolutes. I will do what I must." -Obi Wan Kenobi


"At an end your rule is. And not short enough it was." -Yoda

Anakin Skywalker (again, representing the brain-washed university/college crowd)
"I should have known [America] was trying to take over!"

Obi Wan Kenobi (representing basically anyone with common sense)
Anakin, [Usama bin Laden] is evil!"

"From my point of view [America] is evil."

"Well then you are lost!"

Or how about from Episode II: Attack of the Clones, when the character Klieg Lars (Anakin's step-father) speaking about the kidnapping of Schmi Skywalker (Anakin's mother) by the Tusken Raiders? He could very well have been talking about Islamo-fascists.

"Those [Islamists] walk like men, but they're vicious, mindless monsters." -Klieg Lars

By the way, Schmi died from being tortured to death. It's also interesting to note that both the Tuskens and the Islamists reside in the desert.

Let me be clear on this (of course I and every other right-winger have to say this to predicate our points on a regular basis so the politically-correct whiners of the left won't fall to pieces...hmm, then again)
Anyways, it must be stated that not all Muslims are to be encompassed by this comparison. Although when all these Christians are being tortured and killed everyday all over the world by hard-line Islamists and launching unprovoked attacks against Israel and these so-called "moderate" Muslims are "enraged" by that, it kind of makes you wonder huh?
Then again, there are the brave Muslims that do stand up (although not enough of them) like the ones supporting Michael Savage in his recent lawsuit against C.A.I.R. and why that terror-supporting organization has lost approximately 20,000 members and supporters within the last year alone.

People are waking up. Not the phantom "moderate" Muslims, but true Muslims that sincerely love America. But unfortunately even they only account for approximately 18 per cent of Muslim Americans. Out of that 18 per cent, only six per cent said they would fight for America against a Muslim country.

Another SW reference of sorts, this time pertaining to The Empire Strikes Back, George Lucas said of the character, Lando Calrissian, played by Billy Dee Williams, that (after selling out his friend Han Solo)
by the way) the more he joins in on the things he does; the worse the situation keeps getting...he realizes he's on "By ignoring his responsibility, by making a pact with the devil, he's not going to win. It's going to get worse and worse for him. The more he appeases Darth Vader (not Dick Cheney) he realizes he's on a route he can't get out of."

Doesn't that sound exactly like what Neville Chamberlain did with Hitler, and exactly what will happen if America negotiates with the enemy? Just like what Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama or John Edwards want to do?

I don't know. was George Lucas trying to covertly say something about our own world without having to worry about his own liberal Hollywood friends coming down on him?

Nah, probably not. But who knows? The unconscious mind is a mysterious thing.

By the way, if you haven't seen or missed The Family Guy's homage to Star Wars; it's now on DVD, entitled, "Blue Harvest" (the original production title of Return of the Jedi) go and rent it. Better yet, buy it and love it forever. It's totally awesome!


Blogger Northern Exposer said...

Someone had left a interesting comment (to SW fans that is)but I accidentally deleted it. If whomever it was wants to leave it again, please do so.

6:12 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Didn't the Jedi preach tolerance and equal treatment for all? Didn't the Sith advocate the use of power for personal gain? I think the Jedi ideal is more of a liberal ideology while Sith is more conservative. And by the way, Hitler was a far right wing conservative (yes, fascism is a right wing political ideology. Any political theory book will tell you the same).

I honestly can't believe that you're blaming the entirety of the Muslim population for terror attacks by a small group of extremists. Also, George Lucas is an open liberal. I hope you see the error in your beliefs.

10:52 pm  

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