Monday, December 03, 2007

Perino 1 Thomas 0

She keeps getting to sit in the first row of the White House Press Gallery and ask her tired, old, inane questions that have been asked and answered a million times. So why is still there? To amuse us I guess, since there cannot be anyone on the planet who isn't a complete nutbar them self that takes this woman(?) seriously.
First Ari Fleischer had to deal with her, then Tony Snow, who at multiple times really exposed this wingnut as the moron she really is, and I mean really.

Now Miss Dana Perino comes in and has to start off where Snow left. Trying to get this bias, lefty-hippie-thinking leftover to see the light of day.

I guess Miss Perino doesn't have the paitence as her preddeccers did. She put Thomas and her ilk right back to earth these comments.



Blogger Amy Proctor said...

She's good, isn't she??

Love the evil eye at the end...

11:27 pm  

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