Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Pelosi Prolongs the War

When Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi decided to enrage Turkey with her big mouth about the fact, yes, fact that that country committed genocide against Armenia in 1915, I have to ask what is she trying to prove? To piss off an American ally? An ally that allows the flow of supplies to American troops in Iraq? An ally that allowed their airspace to be used to fly sorties out of in the 1991 Gulf War against Iraq? I mean what's the point?

Although this is historically accurate, why now? I don't remember this being on her list of "to-do's" do you? Let's see, Get elected...check, screw up everything as much as possible...check, be in violation of the Logan Act...check and oh yeah, open up another front in the war; at the same time throw even more gas onto the fire and put as much troops in harm's way as humanly possible...check.

Once again, the Dems have come up with a partisan plan of playing politics solely based on demeaning the president and turning the heart's and minds of everyone in the Mid-East against America. Good job Blinky.

Now that Turkey has pursued Kurdish rebels into Northern Iraq, it took the State Department all it could muster for the Turkish parliament to postpone their invasion plans.

Be clear that I'm not against the act itself, just the timing. Just when things are vastly improving in Iraq, the Dems have to maliciously sabotage it. Because of this, as mentioned, another possible and most likely inevitable front has opened up in Iraq. Doesn't it kind of make you wonder where all the "Impeach Pelosi" and "Pelosi/Reid=War Criminals" activists are huh?


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