Tuesday, November 13, 2007

The Take of General Sanchez

Here's a bit of (more) old news. Forgive me I haven't been able to blog regularly. So as I have said, I may be off by a few days or even weeks. Yeah, so sue me.

Another General has broken silence and condemned President Bush and the war. General Ricardo Sanchez, the retired Iraqi commander until 2004 called the Bush administration’s handling of the war “incompetent” and said the result was “a nightmare with no end in sight", according to the New York Times website.
He blamed the Bush administration for a “catastrophically flawed, unrealistically optimistic war plan” and denounced the current addition of American forces as a “desperate” move that would not achieve long-term stability.

Now while I may adamantly disagree with the good general, even though he is obviously in a way better position to make that type of call than I am, I'm certainly not going to call him a "liar", "unpatriotic", a "traitor" and most certainly not say I need a "suspension of disbelief."

He's entitled to his opinion (which is an informed one, I'm sure, unlike most of those on the left) and was allowed-uninterrupted-to state his case.
Did you wonder why there was no one on the right calling him a liar (at least not to my knowledge) and no Gold Star Family members shouting him down?
You know why? because the right doesn't do that. No mics cut off, no one being drowned out by activists, no one jumping on stage and creating a fiasco while preaching free speech and certainly no pies in the face. And I certainly didn't see any full-page adds in the Wall Street Journal calling the general "Dirty Sanchez" now did I?

That's the bottom line when it comes to the differences between the right and the left.
I think that instead of anyone condemning Sanchez for his comments, we should focus on why no one on the right blatantly insulted this career soldier of good standing like they most certainly did on the left. Let me be clear, I'm not minimizing him or his comments, or trying to deflect attention from them, but rather simply pointing out that no one that I know of has attacked his credibility or attacked him personally.

Once again, it goes to show that to the left, free speech only applies to those who agree with them and only those who are against the war are the good and just ones on the moral high ground.

One thing you probably didn't know about-the thing that the left-wing web sites totally ignored, along with the MSM-is that General Sanchez also talked about how any and all progress was being ignored. He specifically mentioned how they are, in part, also responsible for the poor perception of the war. From the major networks, to CNBC and CNN to the major left-leaning magazines and newspapers that only report the negative aspects to political pundits and panel discussion hosts stating their opinions as undisputed facts. Well, duh! It's amazing how the left will use all his negative comments about the president and the war, but conveniently forget to mention the media's role in that perception.

It appears the left cannot win for losing.


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