Saturday, May 31, 2008

If They're Not in the Tank for Obama, Then What's This?

Seriously, if the MSM is not in the tank for the Iliinois senator, then what do you call this covering up his "Bush-like" gaffes by CNN's Joe Johns (CNN? surprise, surprise)

Who in the media today, and I mean anybody, covered up for President Bush when he misspoke or fumbled on a historical fact? The latter rarely happens, if at all. This president knows his history, unlike the young senator from Illinois. Come to think of it, I doubt if any Democrat knows anything that happened prior to 1969-that is of course, before they collectively started re-writing history.

I mean, actually editing a story to protect the pride and (more accurately) screw-ups of a presidential candidate?
Once again, that's the left for you folks. And that is today's MSM. Bias as all hell!


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