Thursday, May 22, 2008

Uh-Oh. The Daily Kos Kooks Aren't Going to Like This

Remember when the Daily Kos took out a full-page ad in the New York Times decrying the appearence of Gen. David Patraeus before the Senate as "General Betray Us"?
Well, their old "ally", Gen. Ricardo Sanchez, who they fauned over when he said that the troop "surge" would be a failure, and then used that to spit on the Bush administration yet again.

Apparently Gen. Sanchez thinks, like the rest of the sane population, that the MSM is to blame for the negative reporting of the war, the Bush administration and basically America in general.
And it wasn't the first time Sanchez has had a problem with reports of the war.

They're not going to be too happy with this one.

Is there a Daily Kos "Dirty Sanchez" ad in the works? Don't doubt it.


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