Friday, May 16, 2008

Aren't Liberals So Nice?

First off the California Supreme Court throws out the results of a democratically-controled election that would have maintained the traditional definition of marriage that is between a man and a woman simply because they (actually it was one judge that broke a 4-4 tie) didn't like the way the way people voted, so they nixed it. Liberal facism rears its ugly head yet again.
Typical of left-wing radicals, if they don't get the result they want, they try to change it. If the democratic system of puting it to the people doesn't ensure the result they want, they ensure the courts will. Not only re-writing history but lying to the next generation about how those results came about.
Election 2000 anyone?

Next we have the vitrolic, hate-filled diatribe of the highly irellevent Kieth Olbermann. Why this moron and hater of all things right is still on TV with his dismal ratings and, what, four million dollar-a-year MSNBC contract is beyond me.
The guy tried to paint (once again) President Bush as heartless (forget about all his uncaring lies about the Iraqi people and they'd be better off if American and allied forces just left altogether-Pol Pot anyone?) simply because the president was honestly answering a question from a reporter about why the presidetn doesn't play much golf anymore. The president responded, and I'm paraphrasin, because there are more important things during a time of war than playing golf. Olberloon then went on to rant about how important his ignorant opinions are by once again misqoting the president and lying to his two or three viewers. Once again a prominent,yet ignorant, voice of the left (and indeed, if he is the voice of you true-blue lefties, man you're in trouble) has called the soldiers in Iraq "cold-blooded killers"And this guy makes $4 million a year? Kee-ripes, man!
Look, I don't want to advocate violence (at least on a single person) but this guy is in dire need of a punch to the face.

Now Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Turbin Durbin nice language by the way) and the rest of the hysterical left has once again taken President Bush's words, if not their meaning, out of context when he mentioned that you simply cannot negotiate with terrorists. He made the analogy of Neville Chamberlain and what all his apeasement acomplished and what repeating that history will cost us thuis time. But it's the Libs who want to politicize everything and make everything divisive.

Aren't liberals sooooooo tolerent?


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