Thursday, April 03, 2008

Like Mother Like Daughter

So Chelsea Clinton is on the fast track to becoming a misinformed, naive, panderer (dare I say liar?) like her mother, Senator Hillary Clinton. First she won't answer questions about the Monica Lewinsky debacle ( I know it's old news, but Democrats are infamous for bringing up the past whenever they see fit) telling the student who asked the question, "That's none of your business."

Now she's apparently taking tips from Mamasan on how to twist history and blame anyone for the Clinton's indiscretions other than her own parents and their failed policies and platforms.

From 2005's "fauxtography' scandal in the Israeli-Lebanon War to ongoing misrepresentations of fact of today, the AP obviously doesn't seem to mind being the laughing stock of journalism.

The truth about the U.S. and Global Warming/Kyoto:

-Getting on Board
-Rejected by Senate
-Emissions Fall While Bush in Office
-More Emissions Fall Under Bush

And just in case you missed it...

Penn & Teller's take:

Penn and Teller - Bullshit! - Environmental Hysteria

Glenn Beck's "Climate of Fear"

And John Stossel telling it like it is:

And just for fun, let's see if Chelsea will turn into even a bigger liar than her mother.


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