Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Liberal TNR Editor: 'Bush Never Lied to Us About Iraq'

Listen up libs, democrats, "women" on The View and all the rest of you far-left, Bush Derangement Syndrome suffers: one of your own is trying to be honest, intellectual and trying to save you from yourselves.

Here's the original column, via the L.A. Times.

Of course, now the author, James Kirchick, who is no stranger to a left-wing bias, has seen the light that has been burning brightly in his face for the last 5-plus years, and has penned his opinion about it.
Of course, like all Libs who choose to go against the insane grain, will now undoubtedly be compared to a "climate change" denier and will be ridiculed by the Huffington Post, the Daily Kos, MoveOn.org, and all the rest of the "vast left-wing conspiracy".

Remember Joe Lieberman?

Yep. Mr. Kirchick, you are now the enemy. Good luck, you're gonna need it.


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