Thursday, September 11, 2008

Lipstick or Not

Look, I don't know if Barack Obama meant to say the whole "lipstick on a pig" thing or not. All I know is that the phrase has been used before in political campaigns when one or more candidate adamantly disagrees with the policies of his or her opponent. John McCain said it himself just last year and Dick Cheney used it to describe the would-be policies of John Kerry and Con Edwards in the general election of 2004.

But Obama had to have realized that those comments would be taken as a smear (nay, a downright chauvinistic insult) to Sarah Palin so soon after she used the term "lipstick" when describing the subtle differences between hockey moms and pit bulls. Actually I believe Obama didn't really mean to do that, but he should have known better. And to be sure, his audience took it as the same meaning, according to their reaction. Also, he does have a little history of perhaps not treating women with total respect.
You know, while talking to a female reporter, he called her, "sweetie" when asking her to hang on for a second. He also flipped Hillary Clinton the bird.
But I think this one may be a little to obvious to be a underhanded slight.

But let's be clear on this, Barack Hussein Obama is clearly not fit to lead America and the free world. Remember when Nikita Khrushchev had JFK for lunch? What do you actually think Vladimir Putin (not to mention the rest of the world's rouge leaders) would do to Obama?
I won't waste your time harping on the obvious fact about his lack of experience.
You'll notice that because Obama has done absolutely nothing but be a community organizer (which created no jobs and no long-term growths) the Dems are now trying the desperate measure of comparing him to Jesus Christ and Gov. Palin as Pontius Pilate. Yes, you read that right, the Dems are finally catching on to the "hope" of the mainstream magazines that Obama is actually the second coming of our Lord and savior.

Check it out:

Are. You. Serious?

First of all, Jesus was not a "community organizer" as much as the left wants try and make that impossible and shameful comparison, he was a philosopher, a teacher and of course, a carpenter.
Second, Pilate himself washed his hands of the whole thing, after trying to secure Christ's release himself. Is Cohen trying to say that Obama is the second coming? Of course he is. I guess he also believes that Palin is going to have Obama crucified, much like what the press is doing to Palin now.

How scared of Palin are these people? How desperate are they going to get? Will Obama swallow his pride (like he's made the rest of us swallow his B.S.) and dump Joe Biden for Hillary Clinton? I don't think she'd accept since she wants Obama to lose, despite what she said at the DNC. But if he did, I think it would give their ticket the kick-start it needs. Perhaps it would even carry them to the White House. But unfortunately for them, they're so split right now and they both have such big egos, (especially Billy-boy) I doubt it could work.


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