Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Words He Lives By

I can't. I can't keep repeating myself as to why this man MUST be dealt with swiftly and harshly.

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is Adolf Hitler reincarnated. I have absolutely no doubt of that. I've posted before about how the Iranian government, nay all evil dictators since WWII, have used the exact same language, symbols, rhetoric and evil logic to describe their hatred and intolerance for the Jewish state and the Jewish people. Or as these pieces of "human" trash call them, "Zionists".

Not only is the ineffectual, corrupt United Nations invited him to twice speak at the U.N. General Assembly (the second even after he boldly and proudly stated that Israel should be "wiped off the face of the map") but there are nutbars actually defending these people. I for one have personally had debates with these sorts. One in particular stated (of course using the term "Zionists") that Abraham Lincoln was a jew, therefore all the positive history written about the man, including freeing the slaves, shouldn't be taken serious because they're all, and I quote, "Zionist lies". His reasoning? Because the man's name was Abraham. That's all, no historical references, no proof of any wrong doing AND ignoring the fact that Israel didn't even exist in his lifetime.

But the brain-shaking part is that all of these arguments sound just like the anti-semitic rants of Amadinewhackjob, Mahmoud Abbas, Yasser Arafat, Saddam Hussein, and yes, Adolf Hitler.

These people think that the Republicans and conservatives are more of a threat to them than a rouge Iran with a nuclear arsenal.
Actually, Dennis Prager has a great column on that very point, about why Sarah Palin is more of a threat to Hillary Clinton than Ahmadinejad is.

Again, why is the left always on the wrong side of history?

Read this column by Tim Rutten to get a good view point on why this man is a real threat and why hardly anyone on the left is taking him serious.


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