Monday, November 17, 2008

Chuck Norris's Take on Sour Grapes and Intolerance of Gays

Talk about the pot calling the kettle black, what's up with the intolerence and violence of the gay community on the people of California's majority vote on Proposition 8 to maintain the centuries-old tradition of marriage being that of one man and one woman? The people have spoken. Have you ever seen traditional marriage advocates attacking gay night clubs, bath houses and/or their owners and employees? Yes, I know. Inveriably, someone is going to mention the assassination of Harvey Milk (right, one nutjob assassin v.s. thousands of pro-gay demonstrators-much like the ridiculous argument of fundamentalist Chrisitians v.s. Islamists, or the thousands of Muslim terrorists in the world as compared to the two domestic terrorists -not counting William Ayers and the Underground Weathermen-Ted Kazinzky and Timothy McVeigh)

Anyways, here's Mr. Norris's column on all this hypocrisy.

By the way, have you heard the latest Chuck Norris joke?


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