Thursday, November 20, 2008

Goracle is Reaching Waaaaay Back Now

Al Gore is really reaching now. In his desperate attempt to "show us" how societies can "collapse" if they don't heed evoirnmental issues (and buy his books) he plugs a book by Jared Diamond aboout the collapse of the Myan civilization (you know the civilization so full of "time prophets" that they pridicted that the world will end in 2012 (like this trailor from the new film,"2012"by Independence Day director, Roland Emerich depicts) but yet, they couldn't forsee their own downfall.
He's really getting desperate now.

Gore says on his "Al's Journal":

Looking Back to Look Forward November 19, 2008

'These models suggest that as ecosystems were destroyed by mismanagement or were transformed by global climatic shifts, the depletion of agricultural and wild foods eventually contributed to the failure of the Maya sociopolitical system,' writes environmental archaeologist Kitty Emery of the Florida Museum of Natural History in the current Human Ecology journal."

As we move towards solving the climate crisis, we need to remember the consequences to civilizations that refused to take environmental concerns seriously.

If you haven’t read already read it, take a look at Jared Diamond’s book, Collapse.

Poor guy.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Even I think this guy is a HUGE windbag, Northern.

9:13 am  
Blogger Northern Exposer said...

How could you not. I mean how often has this guy been debunked and proven to be an utter, greedy fraud.
Hey, maybe, just maybe he invented Global Warming.

Oh, wait-he did.

2:27 am  

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