Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Hillary Clinton..the Next Secretary of State

The Drudge Report is reporting that Sen. Hillary Clinton has allegedly accepted President-Elect Barack Obama's offer to be the next Secretary of State.

Is this a good move for Clinton? Nevermind the question of where would she be better served to serve her country, but rather is this a good career move for her, considering that she undoubtedly still has her eye on the presidency for 2012 or 2016.
After all, the Sec. of State position is more prevalent and would most likely keep her in the spotlight more, but staying a senator is more or less a lifetime tenure job and probably more conducive to being able to land the most powerful office in the world. I don't recall off-hand too many Secretaries of State becoming president.

Either way, Obama will have to deal with Bill sashaying around the White House hitting on chicks. Keep a watchful eye on those interns Barack.


Drudge is reporting that she hasn't officially accepted yet. The story is "developing."
In my defense, I did say that she "allegedly" accepted. So there.


Blogger road warrior said...

Is this verified? I know it's been talked about but i am just going to be very disappointed if this actually happens. Obama has about a dozen people he could chose that would be better then her! Come on. And his people, the liberal illuminati have bad mouthed her so throughly, i was surprised she supported him but now him putting her in position.

11:37 pm  

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