Monday, November 17, 2008

Barney Frank-Idiot Extrodinaire

First this guy is one of a handful of Democrats that are truly responsible for the Freddie Mac/Fannie May implosion and therefore the catalyst of America's (nay the world's) economic disaster (not to mention of being on the House Financial Services Committee while his live-in boyfriend was a lobbyist for Fannie May-can you say conflict of interest?)

Now he wants to be allowed to do it all over again with a proposed auto industry bail-out bill that has "taxpayer protection" embedded in it's loans. Uh-huh.

Why do the people of Massachusettes keep re-electing this tool?


Blogger road warrior said...

YOu called him a tool, that's pretty funny. But agree, how doest this guy get elected time and time again. I mean just listen to him, he seems like an incompetent illuminati and he obviously can't be trusted!

11:53 pm  

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