Saturday, January 10, 2009

Reid Agreed with Patraeus on Surge?

Well, now that's a new one.
The fact that this guy talks out of his rear is not a surprise, but when he tries to sell the complete myth that when he was quoted in April of 2007, "The surge is not accomplishing anything," read and listen to the pathetic back-peddling when asked about the quote by David Gregory:

MR. GREGORY: Let me ask you about the war in Iraq. In April of 2007, this is what you said: “I believe myself that … this war is lost and the surge is not accomplishing anything.” Were you wrong?

SEN. REID: David, I first met General David Petraeus in Iraq. He was training the Iraqi forces at that time. At that time, he knew it wasn’t working. After he became the commander in Iraq, he and I sat down and talked. He said to me, and he said within the sound of everyone’s voice, “The war cannot be won militarily.” I said it differently than he did. But it needed a change in direction. Petraeus brought that about. He brought it about—the surge helped, of course it helped. But in addition to that, the urging of me and other people in Congress and the country dictated a change, and that took place. So…

MR. GREGORY: But you said the surge was not accomplishing anything. Even Barack Obama said last fall that it exceeded everyone’s expectations and succeeded beyond our wildest dreams.

SEN. REID: Listen, at that—the time that statement was made, the surge—they weren’t talking about the surge. Petraeus added to the surge some very, very interesting things that changed things. He said a lot—just simply numbers of troops is not going to do the deal. What we need to do is work with the Iraqi people, which we haven’t done before. That’s where the Awakening Councils came about, as a result of David Petraeus’ genius. He’s done—he will be written about in the history books for years to come. My original statement was in keeping what David Petraeus said; that is, the war cannot be won militarily.

MR. GREGORY: Do you believe that the war in Iraq has been lost?

SEN. REID: I don’t think at this stage we can talk about that with any degree of sensibility. That has to be something that will talked about in the history books to come. We…

MR. GREGORY: So you spoke to soon in 2007?

SEN. REID: David Petraeus and Harry Reid spoke at the same time. David Petraeus said that the war cannot be won militarily, I said what I said. Who, who phrased it the best is…

MR. GREGORY: You said that the war is lost. Today, in 2009, that’s no longer your view?

SEN. REID: David, listen, someone else will have to determine that as the years go on. What has the war done? It’s brought about—it’s destabilized the Middle East. We have a civil war going on in Israel. We have a civil war in Iraq, as indicated today, more than 50 people killed with a bomb in Iraq today. We have Lebanon, a civil war there. We have Iran thumbing their nose with every, everyone. And if that weren’t bad enough, our standing in the world community is so far down as a result of this war, so—and that doesn’t take into consideration the tens of thousands who have been injured…

MR. GREGORY: Mm-hmm.

SEN. REID: …and the thousands have been killed in the war. So it’s, it’s—historians will have to talk about what the war in Iraq did. But I think historians today indicate, as I have, the outline that I’ve given.

A Civil War in Israel? Does he even know what Civil War is?
America's "standing in the world community is so far down as a result of this war?"
Iran "thumbing their nose with every, everyone."
And you and your Democrat cronies (along with your media-anointed President-Elect) are doing and will do nothing about it.
I thought the world hated America looooong before this war? No Weasel Harry, you see it's because of people like you and your left-wing media allies in the world and their hatred of freedom and revisionist history that hates America, you tool!
Oh wait, I take that back. A tool is useful.

Hmm. Interesting. He wasn't so quick to compliment the good General after his infamous (and as history will show, completely wrong) "the war is lost" comment when he called the man an incompetent yes-man.
And a "liar.

From transcripts:

BASH: You talked several times about General Petraeus. You know that he is here in town. He was at the White House today, sitting with the president in the Oval Office and the president said that he wants to make it clear that Washington should not be telling him, General Petraeus, a commander on the ground in Iraq, what to do, particularly, the president was talking about Democrats in Congress.

He also said that General Petraeus is going to come to the Hill and make it clear to you that there is progress going on in Iraq, that the so-called surge is working. Will you believe him when he says that?
REID: No, I don't believe him, because it's not happening. All you have to do is look at the facts.

Reid calling anyone else a liar? Now that's rich. Well he would know.

Hat Tip to Amy Proctor


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