Saturday, January 10, 2009

Sarah Strikes Back!

A little too late (or is it?) but better late than never and now she's on the record about it. Check out this story by NewsBusters' Noel Sheppard and the accompanying video here:

She really should do this more often. Just like President Bush should have fought back waaay more than he did. I mean, I know the guy wanted to purvey some sort of class in Washington, but a few "fireside chats" once in a while couldn't have hurt. In fact, it would have helped tremendously to get his side of the (wrongly reported) story out. Ah, well, hindsight and all that.

But of course, the MSM has to try and save face with more rhetoric and "mainstream" B.S.

You know someone knows their power is slowly slipping away when...


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