Thursday, February 19, 2009

A Crack in the Most Basics of Bases?

Let's be honest. President Obama got to where he is by looking good, smiling a lot (I swear sometimes I literally see the President turn into Jimmy Carter when he smiles in a middle of a sentence in response to another's comment) and just using his God-given talent to sway the masses with his speech. He charmed and fooled enough people that are the age-of-majority, thus securing the votes to win, but more than that, he captured (with the help and indoctrination of the left-wing media) the imagination and trust of the nation's youth and that has put him in the minds and on the lips of children everywhere.

Not to say that's a good thing. He may portray the polished image of this generation's JFK (to which this generation know nothing of Kennedy's policies and what, if anything, did they accomplish) and Obama would like to be seen as anyone that has,what he thinks, is a positive and successful. But not just any successful president, oh no, Obama must me seen as history's greatest. And not just one, or even two, but all of them. How many times have I heard him likened to Lincoln-which Obama did nothing to minimalize, taking the Lincoln train ride to Washington and all that-Kennedy, Roosevelt and even...Ronald Reagan?

Of course, how could we forget Jesus Christ. Really, how can we, especially when it's still going on now?
The President seems to have forgotten how two of these Presidents met their end. If I were him, I wouldn't equate myself to much to Lincoln or Kennedy. I certainly wouldn't re-enact their historical visits, movements and appearances. Do I have to mention the fire your playing with in being compared to the Son of God?

There were songs written about him, sung by children, much like a certain North Korean leader. There is a constant barrage by their teachers and media that this man is a savior of some sort. He is here to save the economy, the environment, the animals, the sick, the poor, the old and the young.

But that brings me to my very, very, belabored point. It is the youth that he is ultimately dependent on. Most high school students now will be eligible to vote in 2012. It is in this article, that I believe shows that before most kids get in the clutches of the indoctrination university system, they do pay attention and want to ask questions before that individual intuition is squashed in them. THE LEADER MUST NOT BE QUESTIONED! WE LOVE THE LEADER. WE LOVE THE LEADER.

I predict we'll be seeing more of these stories. Not on the networks, mind you, but they'll leak out. Obama may be starting to lose his fundamental base already.
Over saturation?


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