Thursday, February 19, 2009

No "Stimulus" for Hurricane Katrina Leftover Damage-Dems, MSM Silent

So after all their kvetching and whining about how President Bush "failed" the people of New Orleans and Louisiana after the onslaught of Hurricane Katrina, and how (according to that punk, Kanye West) "George Bush hates black people," the Democrats in Congress and President Obama himself have done nothing for them.

All this money ($787 billion worth) with all the pork therein enclosed in this "emergency plan," and not one nickel set aside for Hurricane Katrina relief. And don't think they're finished rebuilding there yet. That's right. They're still re-building the hardest hit regions of Louisiana, and President Obama and the Democrat-controlled Congress didn't bother to add anything to this "stimulus" fiasco for the ongoing victims of the worst natural disaster in U.S. history.

Where's the MSM on this one? Where's the outrage? Where's the ACLU, the NAACP?

Geez, at least Bush did something.

I thought the Messiah was supposed to heal the blind.


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