Monday, February 09, 2009


And here..we..go!

A deal has been reached on President Barack Obama's "stimulus" plan to create millions of jobs and get America "back on track." Also to help make President Obama look like the miracle-worker they claim he is.

I hope it works *snicker*

But if this guy is this happy about the spending bill ("what do you think a stimulus is?" Something that stimulates. This...?) and he and Schumer are all smiles about it, you know it's doomed to failure, and we're all screwed!

"Keep in mind, it's approaching a trillion dollars," as he says with a beaming smile.
"Everything in here is new money, so I am very, very happy."

Are you people seeing this?
Seriously, doesn't this little weasel send a shiver up your spine?

The thing is, we probably won't see any real results for at least a couple of years. So before that the Democrats can gloat and praise each other, while blaming the Republicans for trying to block it. Especially when a little, teeny peice of good news comes about; that the MSM will then sieze on.
Then of course, when that stalls and the real results come out just about election time, 2012, they'll realize what they've done (along with the rest of America) and try to pin in it on Republican "inaction" or "lollygagging." That's it, it wasn't fast enough. Blame the Republicans.


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