Friday, March 27, 2009

Howard Dean Says Don't Pick On the Keith Olbermann

This would be hysterical if it weren't so ludicris.

There has to be cohesivness, there has to be bi-partisanship. Well, how do you expect to get that done and how do you expect people to believe you when, again on national television, you say things like this?

Remember, this is Howard Dean we're talking about here. You know the guy that actually said publicly the difference between his party and the Republicans is that his party "actually cares if children go to bed hungry." The inference being, the Republican party doesn't care if kids are starving in America. Um, what was that No Child Left Behind, school voucher thing all about anyway Mr. Chairman?


You know when the Republican Party says or does anything remotely controversial, the Dems and liberal media will stop at nothing to have you know about it, and have you hear their take on it (totally out of context, of course) but when Democrats lip off about anything, including saying it on national televison, so as to leave no doubt on their meaning (although then they have to go on Olbermann, Matthews, Maddow, The View, etc. to "explain" what they meant) no one in the MSM say boo. Hardly anyone from CBS and NBC to MSNBC and CNN even try a little dissent or contradiction. Whenever a liberal or Democrat go on national televison and liken the GOP to Nazis (D.L. Hughley you sir, are a complete and udder imbecile) the anchor(s) of said newscasts just say nothing (which is agreement by omission) and seem to nod in agreement, as if to say "Well, that's a given."
Whew. I'm sure glad that "Fairness Doctrine" will fix all that.


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