Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Iran is Spreading the Love

Iranian leaders, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei in particular, are calling on Middle East Muslims to "join the "Palestinian" "resistance" against Israel."

Did you notice some of those words? "
Zionist criminals," "cancerous tumor?"
Can't you just feel the love and tolerance just oozing out of the conveyors of the religion of peace?

What does Iran have to do with Gaza anyway? I mean besides arming and training Hamas?

Plus, they're threatening in a oh, so obvious way...again. Um, where's the MSM on this one? Oh right, they collectively hate Israelis. Now it all makes sense.

In a related story, Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton also wants to impress her Iranian allies in puting all the blame for the world's problems on those nasty, sneaky Jooooooos.

So, if and when Iran "wipes Israel off the map," what is the world's media going to say? I bet something like, "Oh, they must have spontaneously combusted. Oh well."


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