Saturday, March 21, 2009

Khamenei Tells Obama to Buzz Off

Remember, no pre-conditions, Mr. Pesident. See where placating gets you. Now in the eyes of Iran, the Arab League, and to every resident ofthe Middle East, you are now, in their eyes (and in the eyes of many insightful Americans-you know, the ones that didn't "earn your trust") what Osama bin Laden called a "paper tiger."

First, Obama's innaugural foreign-press interview went to the Middle East. Then he has Hillary Clinton offer a $900 million pay-off to what, pay them off to rebuild, purchase more weapons and buy time to for whatever else? All in the name of "tolerence" and "peace on earth" and all that liberal crap. Good job. Show how weak America has become towards her enemies.

I know Obama is trying to "correct" America's image (for what reason and for whom I still can't figure out) so I guess freeing 50 million people in Iraq and Afghnistan from tyranny and oppression (not to mention the millions if not billions more saved from the Nazis) and billons in AIDS research in Africa. It's funny how no one in the MSM mentions potentionally how many lives President Bush has saved on that continent.

But anyways, Khamenei to Obama: "NO SOUP FOR YOU!!!"


Blogger Adrienne said...

"It's funny how no one in the MSM mentions potentionally how many lives President Bush has saved on that continent." You're so right, N.E. Anything good about Bush's policies they will/would not report. They just won't do it. Luckily blogs like yours bring them to light.

I'm scratching my head over Obama's video and what he thought it would accomplish. We know MSM isn't going to say "Bush was right" so I'm wondering how they're going to spin this in the coming months and years. It's clear that their unicorn boy is just an idealogue. It's also scary that we have an idealogue in office while Iran is still chanting "death to America."

11:03 am  

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