Saturday, March 14, 2009

Obama Lied, Post-Partisanship Died

I've been off a few days (from posting , that is) because of my hectic (read: screwed up) work schedule. I have to catch up on a few things, but with all the unreported gaffes by the Obama administration in this week alone, I don't think I can get to them all. Not unless I'm willing to spend at least the next three hours at the keyboard.

But anywho, how many times did we hear the "Bush lied, kids died," mantra from the left-wing media and bloggers or whatever variation they used at any given time? Well, it's our time now, eh.

A surprisingly provacotive and thought-provoking column by WaPo's Michael Gerson on how President Obama has drawn the ire of the right, while his followers defend any little act, while not even questioning his motives or logic in the least. The exact same thing the left chastised the right for when they, allegedly, blindly followed and appologized for every decision by President Bush.


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