Saturday, April 11, 2009

Bush Settles in Texas

Former president, and now private citizen, George W. Bush has quietly, yet contently started his life after the presidency with his wife, Laura in near Dallas, Texas.

He apparently didn't talk too much about his time in Washington until later in the evening at the dinner party held by neighbors.
But, when he did, he told of an interesting story concerning an incident when he went to Romania in 2002.

"Not until late in the dinner party did the former president speak in any depth about his two terms in the White House. He told one of his favorite stories, about a trip to Bucharest, Romania, in 2002. More than 200,000 people had come to hear him speak in a town square, he said. The sky turned dark. A cold rain fell. The Romanian president introduced him and -- look at that! A huge rainbow emerged on the horizon, and the Romanians burst into applause.
"Magical," Bush said. "

Hmm. Maybe it was W. that was "The One," all along.
You notice how he waited until he was no longer president to relate this story. As usual, trying to be classy and not garner any extra attention to himself that was un-needed. Not like a certain man in the White House today.

Remember "We are the ones you've been waiting for?" Yeah, he doesn' t think he's the be all and end all. It's not like he's treated like a rock star or the Messiah, or anything.

To prove that, he told a crowd last month while on a speaking engagement in Calgary, Alberta; that he wouldn't take the low road as Presidents Obama and Jimmy Carter have done.
"Bush rarely talks about his successor and he vows to support him. At his luncheon speech in Calgary, the former president said: 'I'm not going to spend my time criticizing [Obama]. There are plenty of critics in the arena. He deserves my silence."

And his advice on making important decisions?
"You make your decisions based on principles, he said. And you never worry about popularity or polls."

Like I said, classy.


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